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Earthsong camps are committed to the well-being and protection of the children and young people who attend camp. While it is acknowledged that the parent/caregiver of each child/young person is responsible for them Earthsong camps remains fully committed to safeguarding the well-being of all the children and young people with whom we work. Our policy on child protection is in accordance with Children First- National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children (2017) within which Earthsong camps are committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all children attending camp and to promote the rights of the child including the participation of children and young people in matters that affect them.

Our vision for children and young people aligns with the National Children’s Strategy (DCYA, 2000) which offers ‘An Ireland where children are respected as young citizens with a valued contribution to make and a voice of their own; where all children are cherished and supported by family and the wider society; where they enjoy a fulfilling childhood and realise their potential.’

All leaders, facilitators and volunteers working with children and young people at Earthsong camps have been Garda vetted, respect their ‘duty of care’ to the children and young people with whom they work and ensure their wellbeing and safety. Children and young people are involved in the work and are informed of their choices and of any guidelines or boundaries in place to ensure safety and well-being. Parents of children involved with our work are also informed of our guidelines, policies and procedures;

All Earthsong core group members are committed to the well-being and protection of each child and young person. Core group member Robert Green serves as the Child Protection Officers(CPO) or Designated Liaison Persons (DLP), supported by Keira O'Connell and Martijn Cornelissen. Each area leader will manage child protection concerns within their area and bring these to the attention of the CPOs. In addition all person’s attending camp are encouraged to bring their concerns regarding child safety to either the area leader, CPO or a core group member as appropriate. The CPOs will hear the concerns and support those involved in exploring the issue in line with Children's First Guidelines and Earthsong conflict management policy. In the case of concerns about a child/young person’s safety, the CPOs will follow Children First guidelines and will contact the relevant Social Work Department or, in emergency situations, An Garda Síochána. Our child protection policy is available at the camp Gate.

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