Adult Workshops 2019. Updates for 2023 Coming later this month

Angie Pinson From the beginning of time, sacred movement, song and story have brought people together, at times of seasonal ceremony and celebration, as part of everyday life and life passages, in daily renewal and meditation. D.U.P is part of this timeless tradition of Sacred Dance. The Dances use simple music, lyrics, and movements to touch the spiritual essence within ourselves and others. No musical or dance experience of any kind is required and everyone is welcomed to join in.

Barbara Morgan Although there are scientists and theoreticians who have been attempting to make sense of what happens in a Family Constellation workshop, no-one really knows at this present time how it works. But it does seem as if the family system has a conscience which demands that the system be in order and there are laws which operate within the system to ensure that this happens. These laws have nothing to do with right or wrong.

Sherron St Clair When we practice 5Rhythms, flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical and stillness, we learn to creatively express aggressiveness and vulnerability, emotions and anxieties, edges and ecstasies. Each rhythm is interpreted by individuals in a uniquely personal way, opening them to a new sense of freedom and possibility that is both surprising and healing, exhilarating as well as deeply restorative. It is, in essence, “exercise for the right brain.” www.sherronstclair.ie

Tony Wrench and Faith Circle Dancing draws from an ancient tradition. We dance simple dances from many folk cultures, including Greek, Romanian, Armenian, French and Russian. Some dances are energetic, some gentle. We teach each dance before dancing it. The chief aim is enjoyment, rather than technique, and the experience of moving together as a circle. The music will be live.

Ben Coombs

Donal Gannon Exploring various methods to encourage authentic wholehearted connection; build community; support each other to find ways to create the life we want; move toward greater freedom by de-programming our unhelpful patterns; develop skills in leadership, agency and self-responsibility; create space for individual and interpersonal healing; and explore new ways of experiencing and enjoying each other, our world and ourselves.

Robert Green In experiential Astrology we will endeavor to enter sacred space and use drama, meditation and games to explore the ancient art of Astrology, creating and experiencing Astrology in action, where we can receive insights, healings, direction and clarity. Robert has been passionate about Astrology for 28 years and has always felt that there is a need for people to experience Astrology in a very real way without all the dry intellectualism. The workshops are very much his own style.

Chrys Blanchard Chrys also creates Gong baths and Soundscapes where you can immerse yourself in deep sound relaxation.

Anet Moore & Rachel Parry Listening from the Heart is a peer-to-peer approach to counseling. At these workshops you will be practicing simple effective listening skills and receiving loving and respectful attention. Listened to each other with delight and acceptance and sharing our lovable, intelligent, playful humanness allows distressing feelings and thoughts we have about ourselves to fall away in tears and laughter.

Brian Mc Ginley "Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play" - Heraclitus. Playing together in a safe and open space gives us permission to reunite with our inner child, one of careless enjoyment and free spirit. Games of all shapes and sizes gathered from around the world specially to help grown ups grow down.

Chrys Blanchard Chrys is a freelance, composer, choir leader and percussionist, whose professional work calls upon the great diversity of skills she has acquired after more than 30 years in the performing arts. She creates and directs projects, training and workshops for education, theatre and community. Chrys has a passion for sound and for rhythm with a particular interest in sound healing, and the effects of sound and music in our lives. This makes for some interesting voice work.

Gavin Ryan

Anna Ling

Tom Quinn

Family Drumming

Colin Walsh, David Dunn, Branwen Kavanagh, Julie Kavanagh, Brian Glynn and Diarmuid Glynn

Nick Clayson

Colin Ritchie and Feile Butler

Kassia Slabon Art of Relaxation and Sound Magic with Singing Bowls

Suzanna Egry

Sue Hart Songs and Music of the Baka African rainforest and Beyond

Brian Donohoe

Andy Smith Wildlife Walks (Butterfly and Insect walk and separate early morning Bird walk)

Fergus Cronin and Fiona Daly