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At Earthsong Camps parents and guardians are responsible for the safety and welbeing of all children and teenagers on their ticket. It is important that guardians are aware of this when they agree to take other children or teenagers with them to camp.



This policy outlines Earthsong Camp’s guidelines for anyone wishing to take on guardianship of a young person for whom they are not a parent/legal guardian for the duration of the camp(s). They will be referred to as camp-guardians from now on in this policy.


Parental consent: Anyone wishing to take on guardianship for a young person for whom they are not a parent/legal guardian must sign a written consent form by the parent/legal guardian. Earthsong will provide this form through email, it needs to be printed, signed & scanned and sent back to Earthsong Camps.


Guidelines for camp-guardians:
Being a guardian to a young person at Earthsong means being officially and practically responsible for that young person so that their safety and wellbeing is as much as possible guaranteed. For this reason, there are these guidelines:

* No. of Children

1.  A family unit bringing two or more children of their own are asked to bring no more than 1 extra child who is not their own.

2.  A family unit bringing only one child or are not bringing children of their own can bring up to 2 extra children.

* Age Restrictions: A camp-guardian must be over the age of 25.

* Existing relationship: A camp-guardian is expected to have a pre-existing relationship with the young person and their parent(s) / legal guardian.

* Workers: People who are on a working ticket are asked not to bring extra children who are not their own. Please contact us if for some reason this is unavoidable.

* Camping: All young people up to the age of 19 are expected to camp in the same circle as their parent(s) or camp-guardian.


IMPORTANT: There will be a meeting for parents/guardians of teenagers on the first Sunday of camp. Please attend the first Morning Meeting in the Big Top to make sure of time and place. Anyone who is a parent or guardian to a teen is expected to be present at this meeting.


What Earthsong expects from Teenagers:

  • To comply with the Earthsong ethos regarding, curfew, drugs, alcohol, and mobile phones. This includes not leaving the field unless necessary as Earthsong is a retreat space

  • To communicate with parents/guardians daily and to participate in the responsibilities of their "home" circle and the camp (Meithal, cooking...etc)

  • To communicate with the teen team regarding their needs and wishes for a safe and nourishing experience at Earthsong

  • To treat themselves and others with respect and love

  • To camp in the same circle as their parents or camp guardian

  • To be their wonderful selves!


What Earthsong expects from Parents/Guardians:​

  • To continue to maintain the boundaries they have established with their teen(s) at home during Earthsong

  • To uphold the boundaries of Earthsong with their teen(s)

  • To communicate with their teenager(s) daily and include them in the shared responsibilities of their circle (eg. participation in circle sharing time)

  • To have a space in their circle where their teen(s) can sleep if they are asked to leave the teen area


What Earthsong expects of the Teen Team:

  • To provide a rich programme of activities and workshops that engage and promote the teens' vibrancy, energy and coolness

  • To enable teens to establish boundaries that meet their needs

  • To provide support and hold the boundaries of Earthsong with the teens 

  • To be allies to the teenagers and work with them to encourage their autonomy and freedom


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